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SafePASS Annual Dissemination and Communication Activity Report

Deliverable Information Table

Executive Summary 

This document constitutes the first annual report on the dissemination and communication activities that were undertaken during the first year of the SafePASS project. Its purpose is to formally outline the outreach of the events and activities and assess their effectiveness in raising awareness of the project’s outputs and results amongst the immediate stakeholders, the targeted communities and the general public.

It contains detailed information on events such as conferences, workshops, plenary meetings, and field trips that were organised by the SafePASS team, or  which SafePASS partners attended and promoted the project’s work and vision. In addition, it contains information regarding the project’s social media footprint, the website as well as the publication of scientific papers, newsletters and the project-related information material. Performance monitoring data and audience insights will be presented for all of the SafePASS social media platforms and website.

This deliverable is linked to the SafePASS deliverable D9.1 Dissemination and Communication Plan and provides, beside the above mentioned, updates on the dissemination strategy, insights on the status of reaching the plan’s KPIs and the expectations of all the stakeholders.

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