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Events and Activities

09, 13, 15 December 2021

Passenger Interactive Workshop

Researchers from Trinity College Dublin hosted this workshop as part of a series of 3 different workshops, conducted the 9th, 13thand 15th of December respectively, on their research and development activities in the SafePASS project.

01-02 December 2021

Fourth Plenary Meeting

The 4th Plenary meeting was held on the 1st of December at the Divani Palace Acropolis Hotel (Athens, Greece) and was hosted by the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA).

05 November 2021

Workshop regarding fire simulation

A workshop was organised by the Maritime Safety and Research Centre (MSRC) and held on the 5th of November 2021 to discuss and decide jointly among all involved partners on the necessary scenarios.

02 November 2021

SafePASS TCD Presentation to Students

Research and development in multidisciplinary large-scale projects – a case study from the passenger cruise ship sector

12 October 2021

Workshop for the redesign of the ship layout

The workshop took place at 12th of October 2021, following a hybrid format, with participants, from CdA and NTUA, including students of the school of NAME, NTUA.

23 Sep 2021

Abandon Ship!

Can you solve the puzzle and help researchers make the evacuation of cruise ships safer and more efficient?

25 Jun 2021

Cost Benefit Analysis and Risk Control Measures Workshop

Our partners from the Maritime Safety Research Centre (MSRC), DNV and RINA organised a workshop, which aimed in the familiarisation of the consortium members with the cost-benefit analysis process and the registration of the risk control measures.

21-22 Jun 2021

EAB Validation Workshop

On the 21st/22nd of June 2021, a validation workshop was convened with EAB members. TCD presented the updated As-Is sociotechnical model of mustering and abandonment and sought feedback from attendees.

16-17 Jun 2021

OEMT 2020 Conference

The 1st Ocean Energy and Maritime Transport Conference was organised by the NAOME Department of the University of Strathclyde and it took place on 16th & 17th of June 2021. It consisted of 2 parallel sessions and the total number of participants was over 100 people.

11 Jun 2021

Validation Scenarios Workshop

An important workshop that was conducted was about the selection of scenarios that would be suitable for the validation of SafePASS system. These scenarios would also serve as the final pilot demonstration scenarios of the project, so the collection of feedback from experts and organizations with significant experience in the cruise ship and maritime safety domain was important.

7-11 Jun 2021

STAB&S 2021 Conference

The 1st International Conference on the Stability and Safety of Ships and Ocean Vehicles (STAB&S 2021) was the successor of two successful series of conferences: the International Conferences on the Stability of Ships and Ocean Vehicles (STAB) and the International Maritime Conferences on Design for Safety (DfS).

27 Apr 2021

The Mid-Term Review Meeting of SafePASS project

The 1st Review Meeting for SafePASS took place on the 27th of April. All partners worked hard and efficiently to ensure that the research outputs for the 1st Review period were of high quality and that their dissemination was clear and informative during the meeting.

20 Apr 2021

SNAME Western Europe Section Webinar

On the 20th of April 2021, our partners from MSRC presented their work on the SafePASS Risk Model on a webinar organised by the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME).

15 Apr 2021

Contemporary concepts on Evacuation of Large Passenger Ships - Virtual Webinar

This virtual webinar explored contemporary concepts for the evacuation of large passenger ship.

29 Mar 2021

3rd Plenary Meeting

The 3rd SafePASS Plenary meeting was held on the 29th of March 2021. It was organised virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. All the 15 members of the consortium were present through representatives. In total 37 individuals attended the meeting.

4-12 Mar 2021

Tank Test Experiments Workshop

One of the most challenging and critical workshops so far, was the Life-Saving Appliances Tank Test Workshop. This was primarily organised by CdA, NTUA and the LSA manufactures in our consortium (Survitec, VIKING).

25-27 Nov2020

Euro VR 2020 Conference

Our partners from I-SENSE Group of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), the SafePASS project coordinator, participated in the 17th annual EuroVR Conference that took place on 25-27th November 2020.

7 Oct2020

2nd Plenary Meeting

The 2nd SafePASS Plenary meeting was held on the 7th of October 2020.

8 Oct2020

Workshop: System Architecture, Pilot Demonstrations, Legacy Systems, and Evacuation Strategies

As part of the 2nd day of the October plenary meeting, EXUS organized a series of workshops (lead by EXUS, NTUA and CDI) to address, discuss and work on key areas of activity within the project.

4 Mar 2020

Sustainable and Safe Passenger Ships Conference

This conference was co-organised by the Hellenic Insitute of Marine Technology and the Royal Institution of Naval Architects. Our academic partners from NTUA and MSRC presented their technical papers related on ship evacuation.

2 Mar 2020

RINA Scottish Branch Meeting

Our academic partner's from the University of Strathclyde presented their research work and made an introductory presentation to the SafePASS project in Badcock International Rosyth Shipyards after an invitation by the Scottish Branch of the Royal Insitution of Naval Architects.

29 Jan 2020

The Stakeholder Requirements, LSA and Community of Practices Workshop

This workshop was dedicated in capturing the feedback from various maritime stakeholders in terms of passenger ship safety and emergency response. Consortium members and external representatives from Flag states, Classification Societies and Cruise Ship Operators participated in an open discussion and helped the consortium focus its research efforts.

28 Jan 2020

1st Plenary meeting

Held at the beginning of this year at the University of Strathclyde (Glasgow, United Kingdom)  and hosted by the Maritime Safety Research Centre (MSRC),the 1st Plenary Meeting was organised to be back-to-back with the first workshop of the project, which was held the day after the meeting.

11 Dec 2019

LSA Tank Test Specification

Academic members of the consortium together with the Life-saving Appliances (LSAs) manufacturers met in Chantiers de l'Atlantique shipyard in order to plan the LSA's parameters for model testing.

8 Dec 2019

General Assembly of Greek Cruise Ship Owners  Union

RINA Hellas attended the meeting and disseminated SafePASS project's aim and objectives . 

20 Nov 2019

Evacuation Drills, General Emergency and Safety Training Workshop

Members of the SafePASS consortium went onboard #RCCL ‘s cruise ship #JeweloftheSeas to observe the Pre-Departure Safety Training, Guest Evacuation Drill, All Crew Drill for General Emergency and Closing of the Watertight Doors and discuss with the ‘key’ safety personnel.

10-11 Sep 2019

Kick-off Meeting

The Kick-off meeting gathered all the consortium partner and symbolised the launch of the SafePASS project.


The project has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 815146

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