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Events and Activities

3rd Plenary Meeting
29 Mar 2021
The 3rd SafePASS Plenary meeting was held on the 29th of March 2021. It was organised virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. All the 15 members of the consortium were present through representatives. In total 37 individuals attended the meeting. The SafePASS work package leaders presented the status of their WPs at the end of the 18th month of the proejct and outlined the workplan for the next period. All work packages and individual running tasks were presented and a discussion within the consortium followed each presentation. The impact of the pandemic on individual tasks and the project overall, was one of the topics covered. Other potential risks and the appropriate mitigating measures were also examined. The achievements and lessons learned during the previous period were captured in the fruitful and friendly discussion among the partners. It was concluded that the project is progressing successfully with 30 tasks running in parallel and it has submitted all the deliverables planned for the particular period, despite the challenges faced.


The project has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 815146

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