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Events and Activities

Abandon Ship!
23 Sep 2021

Researchers from Trinity College Dublin recently presented a workshop titled “Abandon Ship! Can you solve the puzzle and help researchers make the evacuation of cruise ships safer and more efficient?” at START2021, an event hosted as part of European Researchers Night. START2021 (or Start Talking About Research Today), hosted by Trinity Research, allows members of the public to engage with European research through a series of online events and activities. As part of START2021 an interactive workshop was conducted to share information on the SafePASS project, and gather passenger feedback and insights on the project technologies and how they will impact passengers. Attendees were given a presentation on evacuating large cruise ships and a “cognitive walk-through” of the SafePASS solutions. Following this there were a series of scenario-based discussions with attendees rating how they would feel at particular points in the scenario. Polls and facilitated discussions were employed to engage the 8 participants (excluding the 3 members of the TCD SafePASS team). The participants who attended the workshop provided great insight into the factors that impact passengers willingness to use technologies to enhance safety aboard cruise ships and their thoughts on the SafePASS systems. This valuable input and feedback will be used to support the design of the project moving forward.

Links to Event:


The project has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 815146

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