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Events and Activities

EAB Validation Workshop
21-22 Jun 2021
On the 21st/22nd of June 2021, a validation workshop was convened with EAB members. TCD presented the updated As-Is sociotechnical model of mustering and abandonment and sought feedback from attendees. The workshops were hosted by TCD & NTUA and the EAB members that attended were representing the following organisations: Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) University of the Aegean, Ethics and Data Protection European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) UK Health & Safety Executive (HSE) Bermuda Shipping and Maritime Authority Italian Coast Guard Day 1: As-Is sociotechnical model Purpose: Validate the graphical representation of the As-Is sociotechnical model following on from the first validation with the WP7 consortium members. EAB members were shown graphical representations of the As-Is model, the analyses of the operational, social, information and technology inputs to the sociotechnical system and a discussion was facilitated in order to elicit feedback from beyond the consortium. Outcome: EAB members made some minor suggestions for improvement which were actioned prior to finalising the As-Is model. Day 2: To-Be sociotechnical model On the 22nd of July 2021 TCD presented the updated To-Be sociotechnical model of mustering and abandonment and sought feedback from attendees. Purpose: Validate the graphical representation of the To-Be sociotechnical model using SafePASS systems/components following on from the first validation with the WP7 consortium members. EAB members were shown graphical representations of the To-Be model, the analyses of the operational, social, information and technology inputs to the sociotechnical system and a discussion was facilitated in order to elicit feedback from beyond the consortium. Outcome: EAB members made some minor suggestions for improvement which were actioned prior to finalising the To-Be model.


The project has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 815146

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