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Events and Activities

Passenger Interactive Workshop
09, 13, 15 December 2021

Researchers from Trinity College Dublin hosted this workshop as part of a series of 3 different workshops, conducted the 9th, 13thand 15th of December respectively, on their research and development activities in the SafePASS project. Each workshop focused on a different aspect of the SafePASS project and allowed passengers to share their feedback and suggestions.

The main purpose was to hear passenger perspectives about the technologies being developed in the SafePASS project to factor these insights into the design of the solutions. The provided input and feedback will be used to support the design of the project moving forward. The main topics were concerning the muster drill, SafePASS solutions for dynamic evacuations, evacuating with families as well as dealing with stressful situations.


The project has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 815146

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