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Events and Activities

Workshop: System Architecture, Pilot Demonstrations, Legacy Systems, and Evacuation Strategies
8 Oct2020
As part of the 2nd day of the October plenary meeting, EXUS organized a series of workshops (lead by EXUS, NTUA and CDI) to address, discuss and work on key areas of activity within the project. The four workshops, which included general discussions and Q&A, covered the following topics: 1. Architecture and Development – EXUS: There was a brief presentation on each SafePASS component, looking at aspects such as their roles, communication methods, data interfaces and more. 2. Pilot Demonstration Scenarios & Testing – NTUA: The logistics, requirements, goals and system components of the pilot demonstrations and scenarios were discussed, as well as dependencies on the integration and testing campaigns. 3. Integration with Legacy Systems – EXUS: The available interfaces and data from existing legacy systems, and possible integration solutions were presented, followed by a discussion on data to be used in the SafePASS system. 4. Changing Evacuation Strategies – CDI: The session looked at existing evacuation strategies and then discussed new strategies that SafePASS can facilitate. ARCHITECTURE AND DEVELOPMENT The novel systems developed in SafePASS project are the: 1. Core Engine 2. Common Operational Picture (COP) 3. Crowd Simulation 4. Smart Lifejacket - chat bot, wristband, indoor localization 5. Smartphone application 6. Augmented Reality (AR) applications The first session was dedicated in streamlining the integration of these SafePASS systems. PILOT DEMONSTRATION SCENARIOS & TESTING In the final stages of the project, there will be pilot demonstration scenarios and tests to capture the impact of the SafePASS solutions in maritime safety. This part of the workshop tackled with the logistical issues and requirements related to the pilots and tests. A few of the SafePASS solutions with significant potential in achieving timely and safer evacuation are introduced under the term 'Novel Ship Architectural Structures'. INTEGRATION WITH LEGACY SYSTEMS One of the technical challenges of the project is the integration of the novel SafePASS solutions with the on-board legacy systems. The available data and interfaces on were identified and a common strategy for integration was set. CHANGING EVACUATION STRATEGIES In SafePASS we do not only focus on new devices and systems but we also examine the effect that a change in the current emergency response procedures could have in case of an emergency. The last session of the workshop was dedicated to the opportunities that fast crowd simulations could have on timely evacuation when take into consideration fire and flooding. The workshops were a great success, prompting valuable discussions and ensuring the consortium is on the same page regarding the current state of these areas and future actions.


The project has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 815146

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