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Evolving Cruise vessel design - How the Life Saving Appliances (LSA) will adapt



Evacuation of large passenger vessels is a complex operation that involves multiple inputs and decisions made in the face of what has now become a dynamic catastrophic situation.

In order to make the process of evacuating the vessel safer for all involved, the SafePASS consortium are developing the tools to automate and reduce the crew actions to undertake the evacuation, while also reducing the stress on the passengers involved.

A key workstream within the project has been to look at the life saving appliances and how they can be designed to work with the vessels of the future.

The challenge with the evolving design of large passenger vessels, with increasing number of persons onboard, there is a need for the life saving appliances (LSA) to also evolve to be adaptable to the vessel designer needs.

These potentially radical designs coupled with increasingly diverse backgrounds and high number of crew onboard, the ability to be able to train and operate the LSA safely is paramount, therefore any automation or simplification of the LSA is of benefit to the safety of all onboard.

Through the project a number of LSA designs have matured which answer the needs of flexibility, reduced crew training, automated actions, with the designs being tested at model scale to ensure their viability.



To read the full whitepaper, click the button below:







The project has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 815146

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