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Objective 05  
Provide social- and behavioural-driven solutions compatible with international legislation, standards & regulations (SOLAS, GDPR, etc.) and recommendations for future adoption.

SafePASS will apply innovative socio-technical dynamic modelling tools to understand the functionality of the sociotechnical system of a passenger ship. A SafePASS Community of Practice will be established in order to establish user needs, elicit requirements, gather design suggestions and receive evaluative feedback. The Community of Practice will also develop and elaborate a SafePASS Social License to Operate (SLO), which will ensure the sustainability of the SafePASS solutions beyond the completion of the project. An evidence-based assessment methodology for socio-technical modelling will be deployed. This integrated approach is capable of fully understanding and eliciting the needs of vulnerable demographic groups. Moreover, it adopts co-design principles for the design, implementation and evaluation, which represents a cutting-edge in socio-technical innovation. The innovative nature of the investigation that will be conducted within SafePASS will lead to a comprehensive riskbased description for passenger ship evacuation that will allow for a sound contribution to the revision of IMO’s lifesaving provisions, i.e. SOLAS chapter III and LSA Code, as agreed by the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC 98/23 para. 20.39ff). This revision should consider IMO’s Safety-Level Approach (i.e. that risk-based methods should be used for justification of functional requirements). Currently, IMO is developing functional requirements for SOLAS chapter III. The IMO approach is solely based on existing prescriptive regulations and hence allows no considering of the risk for setting expected performances. This brief excursus demonstrates how excellent SafePASS achieved results and insights of the envisioned solution should serve as an important input to IMO’s work, e.g. by a) verifying completeness of the developed functional requirements; b) providing the risk model for calibration of expected performances under consideration of IMO’s Formal Safety Assessment elements; c) recommend safety-level based expected performances for life-saving appliances of passenger ships. To that ground, potential co-operation of SafePASS with Subtask A, i.e. damage stability in flooding accidents, the linkage between SOLAS chapters II-1
(damage stability), II (escape) and III (life-saving appliances) will be described in risk-based terms, allowing for a holistic improvement of IMO’s provisions. Finally, access to sensitive application parts will comply with the GDPR requirements regarding data privacy and confidentiality constraints of passenger data.


The project has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 815146

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